Saturday, January 09, 2010


It is the same the sky, the same beach and the same sun. But everytime it is different.
A gentle chilly breeze soothes my face. I look ahead. The same horizon and yet it is different.
Like a palette where a bit of white, blue and yellow mixed together, the same sky and yet so much different from yesterday.

I fold my novel, it is not interesting anymore. The breeze again touches me and go, as if trying to get my attention. I am listening and I look ahead. Holding my breath i look into horizon. Just a rhythmic flow of waves beating the shore and the horizon. In between like a swing, the breeze comes and ruffle my hair. I look at the infinity where sea touches the sky. A unification of nature's senses.

A visual trance, I forget everything....just about everything.
And for moment I am happy....real happy.

Sun has set. The sallowness is fading further as if the artist had enough of yellow. A pale blue blends from the east. Soon horizon will dissolve into darkness. Another day has just ended.

Pic courtesy:

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