Saturday, November 07, 2009

I was thinking of doing something weird........ really weird.
And i have been thinking about this for quite sometime.
All pranks that i did, thought off , planned with others :-came to my mind.

Yes I was naughty.

Sometimes i press the up and down button of the elevator - even if i am not going anywhere in it.
I like to imagine the frustrated looks of the people inside, when it stops in some random floor they didnt even think off. hah! i am blessed!!!!

From the array of cycle stacked jam packed like we-are-friends-forever, in the wee hours i just take a random one of its place and place it in one obscure corner. This is like my first exercise of the day. Every now and then you can see a "lost a cycle" note on the hostel clip board - only to be found that evening by the security just few paces away from where the guy had left yesterday. :D:D!!!!

People gets so irritated for silly things, to the amusement of everybod, like registering in a matrimonial site with your boss's email id - my ex boss still doesnt have a clue why he is been bombarded with "you got a match" mails from Bharatmatrimony daily- my sweet revenge for not letting me go for the weekend movie :D

Leaving behind the long queue and getting on to the front of the ticket counter -as if nobody existed behind you and still hearing no uproar from behind, as hey!! he is just a kid! Those bunked classes during the evening were the most productive :P

Playing in the rain in those white uniform, which my mother always told me to take extra care. I miss dirtying those white canvas shoes in the football matches during 3 minutes break time between periods. Maaannnn those were the matches....

Blessed were those days you could get into the class 10 mins late and forced to sit in the first bench in the girls row. Now only thing left is the no-nonsense attitude and work ethics of professional lecture from your boss, even if you are 2 min late. Phew!!! - growing up is so overrated.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am confused....Naughty or saddist ;)

Bhavya.B said...

Ha ha ha...You are creative in the weird side too. Have you read ' English,August ' by Upamanyu Chattergee.I 've been reading it lately and your post felt like a continuation of that.

AaaDee said...

:) lovely post..

BaKfIrE said...

@SilenceKilled - I guess you are a grown up now :P

@Bhavya - ya i have read it. He is like a demi god to me :D

@AaaDee - Thanks!

Datsme said...

"...frustrated looks of the people inside, when it stops in some random floor they didnt even think off." Ah! i have been at the receiving end of a prankster like you....many a times i even get off @ some random floor without realizing!

Pranks give you fun memories of ur childhood...too bad you just HAVTA grow up.

BaKfIrE said...

@Datsme - if you wish you can be young forever! :)