Thursday, February 23, 2006

Pressure of doing nothing

yup...i am doing nothing . Just sitting like a lame duck on this cozy chair of mine. Being a sopware professional i just have to know how to Copy-Paste- thanks Bill, I admire you the most for that particular utility of yours.

Its been arond 8 months since i have got out of the college but still i feel its warmth and care. I am so missing it all. Even there i was doing nothing in the final sem but even that nothingness didnt have any pressure!!!!

when you are thrown at the so called life suddenly you starts to think what you need from it . For me i am still in that on going process.....i care a little about the money and all the other wordly thing, that doesnt mean i am not a human yup a human with a care for nothing.

Today is friday and all i am waiting for is to get out of this wretched place. well 4 more hours to go. and then bingo!!! its off for two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

well friday ainth that a lovely day for me...infact al the days of the week are quite sad......all work and no play has made me a dull boy............

Supernova said...
